Thursday 10 January 2013

We'll be doing a body rotation animation of a super hero character, so here are some rough sketches I did for my design.

At first I was thinking a prince charming/ biker thug villain parody "Prince Harming"

But then I decided I'd revert back to something a bit easier, I'm more concerned over the animation itself than the design of the character.

Now I'm looking at doing "Relatively Strong Girl", a lazy, unmotivated super hero who only took the job because she happens to have powers and she has no other life goals or talents.   

One of my best friends Gabi and I decided to start doing weekly art challenges! This week we assigned each other an artist's style to emulate and she gave me Rene Gruau. So I'll be messing around with this guy's style, very graphic and heavy in design, so waaaay out of my comfort zone! Haha

WE GOT NETFLIX. Canadian Netflix, mind you, but still so awesome. We've been watching a bunch of cartoons and dumb stuff, also just watched the Rugrats movie! Man, I love that show so much. Here's a doodle of Angelica, I tried staying true to the style as much as I could.

I can literally just sit down and eat cream cheese, by itself. I usually won't let myself buy the stuff at all but I had a moment of weakness the last time I did my groceries. So. Good. 

And some life drawing stuff! 

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